Welcome To KVK Srinagar
Krishi Vigyan Kendra (the Farm Science Centre) is a noble concept developed by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) which rests upon a solid base of transfer of technology from laboratory to farmer's field with respect to Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal husbandry, Floriculture. Bee keeping, Mushroom Cultivation, Broiler Farming and allied subjects. As per the recommendations of the Education Comission (1964-66) and further consideration by the Planning Commission and Inter-Ministerial Committee, the ICAR decided to establish Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in the Country. First KVK as established in Pondicherry during 1974. Till the end of IX Plan (2001-02) within a span of 27 years the Govt has approved establishment of KVK's in all the 578 districts in the country. In the last three years (2002-2005) 178 KVK's have been sanctioned including 128 during 2004-2005. At present there are 488 rural districts covered with KVKs including all the districts of J&K state. The Council has a plan to set up KVKs in the remaining districts during the X Plan period. The facilities created through the network has benefited a large number of farmers in the past through out the country.