Agro-Ecosystem analysis of the focus/target area-II
Fakirgujri, Mujigund, Dardekhour, Maloora.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Srinagar adopted two villages namely village Dardkhover Dara zone Harwan and Maloora Mujigund zone Qamarwari having both different topography and different agricultural activities. Both the villages agriculture based economy. Village Maloora is involved in commercial cultivation of vegetables and in Dardkhover village there are multiple agriculture/horticulture activities like cultivation of paddy, maize, fodders and fruits like apple, cherry, pear, apiculture including sheep, goat and dairy.
The average landholding at village Dardkhover is 0.2 ha. And at village Maloora 0.4 ha. Small and marginal farmers constitute majority in the villages. Farm size is further decreasing overtime due to division and subdivision of landholding. Most of the villages are well connected with the road which is an advantage; however this advantage comes with a set of threats and villages are prone to come under urbanization and unreversisible division in spite of producing crops on commercial scale.
Horticulture is an important farming business of village Dardekhover besides Paddy and Maize. Cherry is being cultivated at large scale. .the main problems orchardists confront are poor fruit set, inadequate number of pollinisers, faulty training and pruning and lack of post harvest management practices. Vegetable cultivation on commercial scale is being adopted in village Maloora. The main problem is lack of quality seed material, timely non availability of other inputs, high incidence of insect/pest and diseases and production of offseason vegetables under control conditions.
Problem Identified: (Dardekhour) Crop Production (Paddy) Thematic Area Existing Practice Recommended Practice Interventions Seed China 1039 Jehlum FLDs/Demo's/ Awareness Campaigns Nursery Management Traditional/Unprotected Nurseries Protected Nurseries Demo's/ Awareness Campaigns Nutrient...
Maloora Raised Beds for Nursery Raising. Recommended Crop Geometry. Availability of Parental lines for Hybrid Seed Production. Post Harvest Losses in Fruits and Vegetables. Dardekhour Use of HYV. Protected Paddy...
Year of Training: 2013-14 | Village Nadirgund |No. of participants 25 | %age of adoption 37% Due to urbanization and mass conversion of agricultural land into colonies and small industrial units in District Srinagar, the land holding of people is decreasing day by day and because of luring prices of
Kashmir, where farmers are faced with prospects of poor yield and low income, could well take cues from the success story of a farmer who is earning a net annual income of Rs. 3.5 lakhs from 2.0 ha land by adopting integrative farm techniques and optimum resource utilization. Mr. Farooq
Mr. Showket Ahmad Ganie after completing his education started his family occupation of traditional agriculture to meet both ends meals. He put his honest and all sincere efforts to get maximum output from his land. His aptitude, innovative mind and eagerness towards new technology and development in the field of