Participation in the Trainings: Interested farmers may register their names with the Krishi Vigyan Kendra either personally or through Phone Or E-Mail for the training he /she wishes to attend. The Krishi Vigyan Kendra can also arrange an off-campus training on desired topics in farmer's village. For such trainings minimum 25 farmers from the same village need to participate. Special trainings can also be arranged for organizations on topics of their choice.
Participate in Extension Activities: Farmers can participate in extension activities such as kisan melas, study tours, field days by prior registration.
Consultancy: Farmerms may interact with the scientists at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra & get consultancy on issues related to agriculture, allied fields & information on advanced agricultural technologies.
Demonstrations and On Farm Trials: Farmers can participate in conducting demonstrations & trials on their fields, which is arranged by Krishi Vigyan Kendra every year.
Weather Information: Farmers can get information on weather in the form of mobile SMS from the KVK, about rainfall and disease predictions. Accordingly they can decide the water requirement and spraying schedule for the crops.
Availability of Infrastructure:Other organizations that wish to conduct trainings for the farmers can use our class rooms and audio visual aids on nominal charges.
Study Tours To KVK:Farmers on study tour can see our farm & demonstration units on greenhouses, nursery,dairy & the museum of agri implements. Farmers can stay in our hostels after paying nominal charges.
Soil and Water Testing:Farmers, institutions and organizations can get their soil, water samples, fertilizers/ manure and leaf samples tested for various parameters of their choice at reasonable rates in our soil testing laboratory. Farmers may also invite the mobile soil testing laboratory of the KVK to visit their village to get their samples tested.
Diagnostic Services: Farmers can request Krishi Vigyan Kendra scientists to visits to their problematic fields for getting curative & diagnostic recommendations.
Hiring Agricultural Implements: Farmers can hire the various agricultural implements from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra.
Interactive Voice Response: Farmers can access information about market rates for agricultural commudities, weather through interactive voice response facility.