Kashmir, where farmers are faced with prospects of poor yield and low income, could well take cues from the success story of a farmer who is earning a net annual income of Rs. 3.5 lakhs from 2.0 ha land by adopting integrative farm techniques and optimum resource utilization. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Wani (40) S/o Ghulam Mohammad Wani hailing from Katti Mohalla, Khonmoh in district Srinagar has set himself as a role model for the farmers. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Wani has developed the farm in the sloppy undulating terrain by successfully adopting suitable soil and water conservation methods such as terracing and water harvesting.
His traditional farm has crops like vegetables i.e. Tomato, Brinjal, Capsicum, Chillies, Leafy Vegetables, Onion, Carrot, Garlic, Potato etc and fruits like Almond and Saffron. However, the support from the Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Srinagar helped him to go for cultivation of high yielding varieties of vegetables, introduction of exotic vegetables, seed production of vegetables, high yielding varieties of almond along with vermi-composting, Poultry birds, Sheep etc. Mr. Farooq incorporated the components in such a way that it enhanced productivity and profitability in relation to the farming system model practiced earlier.
The most crucial intervention was introduction of exotic vegetables along with protected cultivation of vegetables and seed production in vegetable crops. Adoption of organic farming became possible through effective recycling of crop waste to vermi-composting and with the technology developed by SKUAST-K for which, he was trained by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra Srinagar. The dairy unit has 3 cows, 1 bull and produces 30 liters of milk a day. Dairy farming plays a vital role in the sustainability of the system not only as a major income source, but by culturing soil and enhancing the nutrient recycling and meeting energy requirement for the household. He also has set up honey bee colonies. The average production from this system is 4Qts. of almonds, 1.5 tones of cow dung and 2 kg of saffron from 10 kanals. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Wani said he earned a net annual income of 3.5 lakhs as the integrative farming ensures 90% of nutrient requirement through biomass produced in the farm itself, one of the basic ingredients of organic farming practices. Mr. Farooq Ahmad Wani can act as a role model farmer worth emulating across the district.